We are a well-connected community finding solutions for current & future global health threats.
Infections and disease can spread rapidly and seemingly without warning in our connected world, placing people at risk with little warning. Texas Global Health Security Innovation Consortium (TEXGHS) is an expert community of scientists, innovators, and companies driving invention, innovation, and best practices to combat infectious disease threats.

We are an unprecedented network of thinkers & pioneers in global health innovation
TEXGHS seeks to eradicate infectious disease threats across the globe
We believe that the COVID-19 pandemic has illustrated the immense technical, societal, and political challenge of pandemic response and prevention. TEXGHS addresses these global challenges through direct support for innovation and facilitating collaborative efforts across the academic, private, and public sectors.
A Vast Network
We help connect innovators to ecosystem partners for opportunities to collaborate and commercialize new medical technology and innovation.
Cross-Institutional Research Collaboration
We support research and innovation collaborations across academia that speed the commercialization of health security related technologies.
Connection to Investment & Funding
For startups, gaining exposure to the right network is challenging. Whether an innovator is in seed stage or ready for commercialization, a TEXGHS partner may be ready to invest with our help.
Visibility to local, state and federal governments
From our birthplace in Central Texas, TEXGHS has grown a global network of mission-aligned partners including representatives from India, Norway, Denmark, and Australia.
Global Health Security Experts
We work to connect the innovation industry to leaders in global health security. We foster communication and help the two meet for the benefit of global health.
Regulatory, Commercial and Prototyping
From grant writing to prototyping to legal and regulatory support, the TEXGHS ecosystem pulls together the proper resources to assist innovators with product development in infectious disease.
TEXGHS Ecosytem Partners
TEXGHS is on a mission
Encouraging locally grown global solutions
By fostering a well-connected web of resources and community, TEXGHS helps innovators with new technologies get in front of global health security leaders so that we can find solutions to global health crises together.
Lisa McDonald, MD, MSTCFounder, Managing Director | TEXGHS